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Check Engine Light On? We’ll Check it for Free!

Call for a Free Appointment! No Obligation.

Auto Care and Transmission Specialists in Pineville, NC

Vehicle owners throughout the Pineville, NC area can drive with peace of mind knowing the trained and experienced team at AAMCO Pineville offers complete car maintenance, transmission repair, and engine services for all makes and models of vehicles. Whether you drive a truck, SUV, or passenger car, we offer bumper-to-bumper automotive services to keep your car running reliably and fix those unexpected repairs all vehicle owners encounter. We’re your locally operated auto care shop with a national presence to cover our extensive warranty no matter where the road takes you. Is it time for routine preventative maintenance, or is your check engine light on? Schedule a free appointment with us today.

Learn More About Our Services

We’re Pineville’s #1 Auto Care Choice

Partnering with an auto care shop to maintain your vehicle and perform reliable repairs is an essential part of car ownership. Vehicle owners throughout the area choose us because of the level of care and service our team delivers.

AAMCO servicemen smiling
  • Nationwide Warranties – Our repairs and service are backed by the nationwide AAMCO warranty. No matter which AAMCO location you visit, your warranty is honored.
  • Maintenance Reminders – We follow the same preventative maintenance schedule suggested by your vehicle’s manufacturer. You don’t have to pay inflated dealer fees to stay up to date with your maintenance.
  • State-of-the-Art Diagnostics – When your car isn’t running as expected, you expect a quick resolution. With our advanced technology, we can diagnose and offer a repair for any vehicle promptly.
  • Transmission Specialists – The transmission works in conjunction with the engine to keep you moving. We offer complete repairs and rebuilds of transmissions for any vehicle.
  • Fleet Services – If you own a business with a fleet of vehicles, keeping them on the road is critical to revenue. We offer fleet maintenance services, so you don’t have to wonder about their condition.

Payment Plans With No Credit Check

Free Appointments for Check Engine Lights

Some auto care needs are noticeable, such as worn brakes, vibrating steering wheels, or burned-out headlights. But engine issues can be more challenging to spot. This is why paying attention to your check engine light is important. When illuminated, it’s signaling it needs service, even if the car feels fine. We offer free check engine light diagnostics to uncover why your engine light is on and explain the service we can provide to get it back to good health. With our free checks, there’s no reason to put off check engine light diagnostics. Schedule a free appointment today!

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

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316 North Polk St
Pineville, NC 28134

Hours of Operation

Monday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Closed on Christmas and New Year’s Day

316 N Polk St, Pineville, NC 28134, USA